Summer School 2024

Salem School

Summer School Program

 June 12th - July 2nd

8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

School logo

Our program is intended to enrich your child’s summer by giving them opportunities to improve, challenge, and excel in an exciting learning environment. Please review the enrichment classes offered this summer and consider the many benefits of participating in our summer program for your child.

Important Information

Contact Information:

School Phone: (262) 843-2356
Principal: Christy Weinstock
PK - 4 Assistant Principal: Ryan Sandberg
5 - 8 Assistant Principal: Aly Schmidt
Registration: Dawn Revell

Summer school hours are from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

All students entering Grades 2 - 8 next school year are required to sign up for three different classes. Students entering K5 or 1st Grade may only register for Camp Kindergarten or Camp First Grade. If you are attempting to schedule your child for classes and the class is full, please contact Dawn Revell (ext. 5870) to be placed on a waitlist. Schedules will be available in Skyward Family Access once the registration window closes and registration has been finalized.


Registration will run Friday, May 10th (12:00 pm), through Sunday, May 19th (11:59 pm). Registration will be online or in person. Online registration directions are available by going to this link. In-person registration will be available during the registration window on days that school is in session between the hours of 9:00 am and 2:30 pm. This can be handled by stopping in the Main Office (Hwy AH side of the building) and speaking with Dawn Revell.

Summer School Fee Information:
There is no fee for summer school for Salem School District students.

Regular attendance is expected. If your child is absent, please let the office know ahead of time.

There is NO transportation provided for summer school. Students are to enter and exit through the main office doors on the AH side of the school (near the circle drive). All students need to be picked up at 12:00 pm.

Food Service:
Breakfast and lunch are available for free during summer school. Breakfast will be available to all students during their first period. Lunch will be made available to students at 11:30 am.

Summer school is intended to be an enjoyable learning situation where students are given the opportunity to learn in a less formal environment. In order to maintain a safe environment for all students a three-step disciplinary procedure will be followed.

1st incident:
The teacher will issue a warning and a phone call home.
2nd incident:
A member of the Administrative Team will be called in to confer with the student and will again call home.
3rd incident:
The student will be removed from summer school for the remainder of the summer.

Course Catalog:
***Please note that you will be registering your child based on the grade they will be entering in the fall. 

Cick here for a full listing of summer school offerings

Forms / Notices / Communications